Commercial Water Damage Restoration, Commercial Fire Restoration, & Commercial Mold Remediation in Mobile and Baldwin Counties in Alabama & Coastal Mississippi
Above is a video that we have posted before on our disaster restoration site. It shows the capabilities of our disaster restoration company. We have handled many water damage restoration projects, mold remediation projects, and fire restoration projects for our commercial and industrial customers in Mobile, Baldwin County and in Coastal Mississippi. NO OTHER JANITORIAL COMPANY HAS THESE CAPABILITIES. No one has the ability to respond to their commercial janitorial customers faster than ServiceMaster Services Janitorial and ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning & Restoration. Our janitorial company can be reached at (251) 344-5105
Over the years, no one on the central Gulf Coast has handled more large commercial water damage restoration, commercial fire restoration, mold remediation and cleanup jobs, than the combined forces of ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning and Restoration and ServiceMaster Services. Recently, ServiceMaster assisted in a large commercial loss on the Battleship USS Alabama, and in a large retail store in Mississippi. We were able to handle both jobs simultaneously.
We can be reached in Mobile, Baldwin County, or lower Baldwin County at: (251) 653-9333, (251) 928-1028 (251) 943-2230 or (866) 653-9333. We have recently established new web addresses to make is easier for anyone to find us. They are: & We also serve the Mississippi Coast and we can be reached at (866) 653-9333,
Unlike many other small or regional players, we have actually performed this work for many years, and we know how to handle a large commercial loss from start to finish. We have consistently brought projects like this in, on-time and on-budget, with our goal to minimize disruption to the affected businesses and bring them back to working status as fast as humanly possible. Some of these jobs, and many others, were awarded to us after a competitor was terminated because they couldn't deliver.

ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning and Restoration (251) 653-9333, is proud to be a first responder for the ServiceMaster Recovery Management Network, (SRM). As one of the largest commercial disaster recovery networks in the nation, SRM has handled incredible large loss restoration projects. The successful jobs handled include large universities, school systems, indoor arenas, large commercial buildings and government buildings. In fact, ServiceMaster even performed restoration work on the Pentagon after the September 11, 2001 crisis. There is no water damage, fire or commercial water damage restoration job too big for our restoration team.
Over the years, we have seen large commercial entities become contractually obligated to utilize the services of a large loss provider, even if this means that they had to wait five hours or more for the provider to arrive. ServiceMaster knows that every minute that you are not back in business, translates to time and money wasted. This is why over ten years ago, ServiceMaster responded to the immediate needs of the commercial industry by the creation of the ServiceMaster Recovery Network.

In the Southeast, SRM has every major city covered with first responders who can immediately assess, neutralize and begin restoration services. In short, work can begin immediately. In Mobile and Baldwin Counties in South Alabama, and in Mississippi, ServiceMaster Advanced Cleaning & Restoration and ServiceMaster Services, can immediately put dozens of workers on the site and begin services. We already have hundreds of employees and existing relationships with contract providers. We are not arriving from out of town, with no idea who to hire - our employees already work for us! Not all ServiceMaster entities are trained and designated as first responders for the SRM network, and most restoration companies cannot even begin to handle even the smallest commercial loss. So make certain that you call a commercial certified ServiceMaster company like ServiceMaster Advanced, (251) 653-9333.

Remember that YOU AND YOU ALONE, decide who works in your business. YOU decide who can turn the job the fastest, and get your business facility back up and running the soonest. This is not the decision of your insurance provider. And while sometimes the insurance companies have qualified providers; other times they do not. Tell your insurance provider WHEN YOU FILE YOUR CLAIM that you want SERVICEMASTER ADVANCED, Enterprise number 7027, or call us directly. Make sure that there is no confusion. There are other mitigation companies, and even others with similar sounding names. We are ServiceMaster Advanced, The Master of Disaster. "WE WOULD BE HONORED TO SERVE YOU." (251) 653-9333, (251) 928-1028 (251) 943-2230 or (866) 653-9333.,